You know what’s terrible? I actually didn’t even see her at first. How color blind am I?  


Here are some lovely comments that were left on the blog The Wonkette about the McCain People Magazine cover shot. I edited out the non racist examples to prove my don’t-adopt-children-of-a-different-race-until-the-American-lame-o-rama-is-over-point. Because it’s my blog, yo!   


  1. Serolf Divad says at 1:25 pm, September 16th, 2008
    Who’s the dark skinned one… and why is she set off, by herself, relegated to the bottom of the page below everyone else? Just askin’ that’s all.
  2. What is this, the “Brady Bunch?” Why is their colored maid in the picture? And why isn’t John McCain standing?
  3. Sussemilch says at 1:26 pm, September 16th, 2008
    Damn Republicans. Even outsourcing part of his family to India.
  4. AnnieGetYourFun says at 1:29 pm, September 16th, 2008
    The only way to blend Brigitte into the background anymore is if they had actually made her sit on the ground behind the men.
    1. Somebody let their maid into the photo.